Be a prayerful being.

Build yourself spiritually

Good day everyone before God today I prayer that may the Lord accept all our thanks before him either spiritually or physically own....

I beg you in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior let your inner man know what God purposely have for you don't just be a reckless person be a prayerful person so you can stop complaint about other person achievement be a prayerful fellow so you can also be who other's are following......

The unbroken person doesn't have time for prayers even once in a day,your fist step is to firstly seek for the hand of the Lord in your life so you can be a broken vessel and be useful for yourself,

The person that doesn't pray can't have a time to be intimate with his creator(God)he/she doesn't know the secret place of prayer or the power of prevailing prayer.He/she delibrately shies away from the place of prayer lest his own sins become exposed to the righteousness and brightness of Gods presence.

Even when he struggle to pray,he/she pray simply as an eye service for others to see.another primary reasons he engages in prayer is to be able to buy favor from a result,the unbroken vessel is a person spiritually crippled devoid of power,authority and fresh anointing.

He/she knows that no matter how he/she tries,God can not answer his/her prayer so please be a prayerful being is very helpful in a live of human being

May #God let our life be useful in the name of Jesus Amen
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