
Showing posts from April, 2021

What Are The Purpose Of Prayer?.

Build Up Yourself Spiritually.  @cogpmakahomeofpeace. Types of Prayer And this is the confidence which we have before Him. that, if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us. —1 John 5:14 Effective prayer begins with recognizing that you are entering into the very presence of God for the purpose of building relationship with Him. And relationships that work are built with praise, gratitude, honesty, trust, forgiveness and intimacy. In other words, they are motivated by love. Therefore, the way that you pray should reflect these same relational elements. As you read through the following pages and study the various types of prayer, remember that your time with God is about relationship. Resist the temptation to become ritualistic and focus instead on your love for Him. Praise and Thanksgiving Praise and thanksgiving open our hearts and cause joy to well up in our spirits. The Word tells us that praise and thanksgiving are Kin...

What's Called Spiritual Growth.

Build Up Yourself Spiritually. @cogpmakahomeofpeace. Person praying What does spiritual growth look like? Healthy relationships require hard work, good habits, and time spent together. That’s why becoming spiritually mature involves drawing near to God every day. Below are five prayers that focus on different pathways toward intimacy with God. As you read through them, pick one area to focus on this week, and allow God to transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Curved divider A Prayer for Living Generously God, Without You, I have nothing. Every good and perfect gift comes from You—but sometimes, I view the gifts You’ve given me as something I deserve. Sometimes I am tempted to hoard my wealth, time, and resources instead of sharing them with others. Ultimately, I know that I am blessed to be a blessing—so please help me wisely steward the gifts You’ve entrusted to me. Turn me into someone who lives—and gives—generously. In Jesus’ name, Amen.    Save Pr...

Love Your Enemies.

Build Up Yourself Spiritually. @cogpmakahomeofpeace.    Love Your Enemies     The Greatest Thing you can do is: Pray for Everyone, in every dimension.... those alive in the body or those passed away Love Everyone, Pray for your Enemies, Love your Enemies, Pray for those who have hurt you, Love those who have Hurt you.   You must understand that Love overcomes all hate, anger, bitterness and all evil.   You have the Power of Love in you   Your Loving Prayers affect those you pray for.   When you Love and Pray for all people and all spirits, you affect all with Love.   Pray for those who have done you wrong.   Everyone who has done evil or hurt you or done you wrong are also... victims of the devil.   Victims of the Devil.... have been infected with evil by the deceptions of the devil   Pray for Victims of the devil   Jesus prayed for those who crucified Him.......could you do this?   You could ....if you realized they...

The Love Of God Is Eventually In Us.

Build Up Yourself Spiritually. @cogpmakahomeofpeace.                                The Love Of Father. Men have no idea of the Infinite Goodness of God.   consider the water and food you eat and drink consider the Air you breathe consider the flowers, birds and even the sunshine consider your own understanding consider your own spirit consider the moon and stars and the universe consider your ancestors consider the love in your own heart   GOD MADE ALL OF THIS and MORE More than you can ever know     GOD IS: FATHER LOVE ......He is: Goodness beyond comprehension, Infinite Compassion, Eternal Mercy,    I pray may we all received his abundance mercy of God in the name of Jesus Christ Amen. Share pls.... Kindly follow us on IG:convenantofgodprayermission. Follow us on FB: convenantofgodprayermission. Follow us on www.convenantofgodprayermissionorg.websites...

How spirit of the Lord live with someone for ever

Build Up Yourself Spiritually. @cogpmakahomeofpeace. Only Jesus is the way of life Give your life to Jesus Christ and experience better life than ever. God bless you in the name of Jesus. Follow us on IG:@convenantofgodprayermission. Follow up on https://convenantofgodprayermission. Follow up on FB:@convenantofgodprayermission. Follow up and subscribe pls @ Prayer line contact:+234(81)40139324.

God bless you.

Build Up Yourself Spiritually. @cogpmakahomeofpeace. The Lord will stand in your place and shield you from shame. It is the Lord who goes before you. He will be with you; he will not fail you or forsake you. Do not fear or be dismayed. Deuteronomy 31:8 The Lord has promised those who walk in His ways that ²When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you. When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned; the flames will not set you ablaze. Isaiah 43:2 Jesus walked on water and Peter proved Him to be true by walking on water also, so long as He kept his eyes on Jesus. Jesus was with Shedrach, Meshach and Abednego in the fires and they were not burnt, neither did the flames consume them. How come we fear these elements and not the creator Himself? Even the waters and fire are in obedience to Jesus Christ. Jesus is the answer to everything Let's pray  May the Lord answer our prayers, wipe away our tears and...

Why do we pray?.

Build Up Yourself Spiritually. @cogpmakahomeofpeace. The Ministry of Prayer Ministry to God must come before ministry to people. First Peter says that you are "a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for God's own possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies of Him who has called you out of darkness into His marvelous light" (2:9, italics added). The role of the priest is to minister first to God; then to the people. The way that we minister to God is by praising, worshiping and communing with Him in prayer and meditation. The way that we minister to the people is by allowing the overflow of what we have received in our time alone with Him to pour out into the lives of others. (See Prov. 15:8; 1 Pet. 2:5; Eph. 1:4.5: 2 Cor 5:21 and Heb. 4:16.) The Relationship of Prayer My husband, Floyd, and I have been married for 43 years. We love each other, and because we do, it is not a chore to be together—it is an awesome privilege. We want to share and k...

God's time is the most important thing.

Build Up Yourself Spiritually. How to Discover God’s Will What does God want you to do with your life? Maybe you have an idea of what He is calling you to, but you’d like confirmation. Maybe you’re not sure what God’s will is … or maybe, you’re still trying to figure out what a personal relationship with God should look like. Ultimately, the only way to know God’s will is by spending time getting to know Him. It’s through drawing near to God that His guidance becomes evident. So, how do we do that? There isn’t one correct way—but there are steps we can take that help. Here are 4 steps to help you discover God’s will: Seek God through Prayer Think about a recent conversation with a close friend. If you’ve known them for a while, you probably know what they like and dislike without asking because the closer you are to someone, the more you understand them. The same goes for our relationship with God.  Knowing God’s will comes from having honest conversat...

Why do we pray?.

Build Up Yourself Spiritually.  The Purpose of Prayer Why Pray? Moreover, as for me, far be it from me that I should sin against the Lord by ceasing to pray for you; but I will instruct you in the good and right way. — 1 Samuel 12:23 It was the mid-'70s and my husband, Floyd, and I were with a group of Christian leaders called to bring the love of God to Africa. The scorching heat from the penetrating sun was nothing in comparison to the outpouring of the Son's power on the vast crowd of ebony faces and hungry hearts that stood before us. The lame began to walk; the blind received their sight. Healings of every kind were happening before our very eyes. Twenty-three thousand people were miraculously healed as God's power swept over the crowd I remember thinking, Lord, this is the Book of Acts in action. As I sat on the platform watching this miraculous wave of God's power. I began to cry out to God "Lord, why are we not seeing miracles such as these in our western c...

Spirit within us.

Build Up Yourself Spiritually. We have Spirits within us We must love them all...and not judge or condemn them We must encourage them to Love   Pray for all the spirits with you Talk to them Tell them love them Ask them to pray for all others spirits Ask them to Love Everyone and Every spirit   Pray that all spirits within you ...will love one another Pray that all spirits within you ...will pray for one another Pray that all spirits within you ...will have Peace Pray that all spirits within you ...will have Joy Pray that all spirits within you ...will be Comforted Pray that all spirits within you ...will Believe in God's Infinite Love I pray that may the love of our Lord Jesus Christ never depart in you in Jesus Christ name Amen. Comment..... Follow up on our media@convenantofgodprayermission Follow on Pls remember to click on subcrsubsto follow for lattest post God bless you and your family. 

God bless you.

Build Up Yourself Spiritually. The Word of God     It is amazing: We are mentally and spiritually changed when the Words of God enter into our awareness.   The Words of God cause us: to have mental organization, a structured thought process; to have understanding; to believe; to have confidence; to have assurance; to have peace; to have joy. The Words of God: changes our demeanor, changes our outlook, changes our hope, changes our direction, changes our destiny.   The confidence and assurance we receive, as we learn more and more about the Great Love of God (Thru the Words of Jesus) - removes fear, removes worry and removes self-condemnation.   These are the reasons: that Jesus (The Word of God) came into the World.   To Speak to us the Truths of Love. To Teach us the Ways of Love To Instruct us in the Way to Think and Live To Give us awareness of unseen Spiritual Things To Help us find our way Home, with God in Heaven To Tell us the Will of God To Give us ...