Love Your Enemies.
Love Your Enemies
The Greatest Thing you can do is:
Pray for Everyone, in every dimension.... those alive in the body or those passed away
Love Everyone,
Pray for your Enemies,
Love your Enemies,
Pray for those who have hurt you,
Love those who have Hurt you.
You must understand that Love overcomes all hate, anger, bitterness and all evil.
You have the Power of Love in you
Your Loving Prayers affect those you pray for.
When you Love and Pray for all people and all spirits, you affect all with Love.
Pray for those who have done you wrong.
Everyone who has done evil or hurt you or done you wrong are also... victims of the devil.
Victims of the Devil.... have been infected with evil by the deceptions of the devil
Pray for Victims of the devil
Jesus prayed for those who crucified Him.......could you do this?
You could ....if you realized they were also victims of the devil...not even knowing what they were doing
We must Love Like Jesus..
This is the greatest thing you can or ever
Love overcomes all hate and all evil
But you must Live and Walk in the Power of Love
Let Love flow from your heart and heal the troubled people and troubled spirits.