Be up yourself spiritually. #Baground David was the second king of Israel,the successor of Saul. From a humble beginning as a shelpherd boy,he rose to become one of the greatest fingers in the political history of Israel. David was born in Bethlehem of Judah,a city near Jerusalem. He was the youngest child of a family of eight children (1sam 16:10-11). His father, Jesse, Was a fairly wealthy man and a respected elder in Bethlehem. David was the son of Jesse's Old age(1sam 17:12). He was handsome,with good looks. From the description of his early life,it seemed that David Possessed all the qualifications of a young man designed foe greatness. In (1 sam 16:18; the Bible lists some of his qualities: ``....skillful in playing,a mighty man of valour,a man of war, prudent in speech and a handsome person and the Lord is with him. question is that what have you possessed to be a qualifications person in God present in at work and in the family.....