Build Up Yourself Spiritually.

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Am so greteful unto God who is by my side that help me to drop this. 


We can not experience and sustain soul growth without engaging the ministry of the Holy Spirit, thou our prayer according to 

Acts 2:46-47
[46]And they, continuing daily with one accord in the temple, and breaking bread from house to house, did eat their meat with gladness and singleness of heart,
[47]Praising God, and having favour with all the people. And the Lord added to the church daily such as should be saved.

Firstly I thank God for today's grace is a preveledge to see a new day,

I give Lord all the glory in the life of wvery reader i pray may the grace of the Lord rest upon your life in Jesus name amen.

In the book of Act.2:46-57 when we're talking about the engaging in the kingdom of God is not what we can just imagine in the life of the disciples make us understand that we must be unite because this Act.2:1-57 make everything clear to us.

But how can we do this engaging we're talking about all of us need to align with the Lord Jesus Christ,and abide in His word(BIBLE)by doing this Holy Spirit we panetrate in, and begin to manifest his assignments in our lives, carrier both physically, mentally and spiritually.

Remember Jesus Christ or God is not doing anything for anybody anymore except this Holy Spirit which has been sent since the day our savior has descend back to the heaven (John 14:26
But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you.)so whatever you need or praying for in Jesus now is in God who send Jesus, ok good you've accepted Jesus Christ, have you accepted the Holy Spirit, whom Jesus Christ send to remind us everything he has teach us and perfect our imperfections faith if NO nothing can work better for anybody you need to accept all this three Spirit before things can move and work well brethren.

What can help us grow fast in engaging in the Kingdom of God.

*But it requires the prayer of Faith.
1king. 18:41-46.
*Let me tell you without prayer all this can not be easy for anybody, not for you to pray alone but to put your prayer in faith that is when things can actually work out a little remember is a (LITTLE)but when you apply work with your faith and prayers that is when everything will begin to work out miraculously.
*Every praying souls is a growing soul.
Ezk.36:37, Jer.6:16-17.
*God bless you all shalom.

AuthorEvang Isaac Adeyanju
Aka, Baba white.+2349070772556 

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As I prophecies into your life my father(GOD)in heavens will established it. 
That highest place that evil one have said you'll never reached you'll go beyond there in the name of Jesus Christ Amen.

Call for prayer.... 
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