Build Up Yourself Spiritually.
So an army of angels attacked them and fought against them in the air.
Al the demons fled, but he remain arrested by the angels of GOD .
Yes, arrested by the angels! He found himself being held by about six Angeles they brought him through the roof tight before the church alter he just appeared there as the people were praying. They were deep in prayer, engaged in spiritual warfare binding,breaking and casting out evil spirit. The pastor was on platform leading the prayers and the warfare the spirit of the Lord spoke to the pastor, the yoke had been broken and the victim is there before you. Help him through deliverance as the pastor open his eyes, he saw the young man lying there. His body was with him the body he left at home he was back in his body the young man said te he doesn't know how his body joined him; but there he was in his body he didn't know how he had enter it all he knew was that the angel had carried him through the roof.
Now these things are difficult to believe, the pastor silence the church and told them what the Lord had spoken to him and then he asked thr young man Who are you? The boy was trembling as the demons began coming out of him. They prayed for his deliverance and afterwards he began to share his story the young man has noe come to the Lord and his an evangelist preaching the gospel. He is being used by the Lord mightily in setting others people free through deliverance.
One night, i (Isaac) went to a dinner the reason i went wad that somebody had told me the young man will be there and am curious to see him and find out if the story was real so you my people on thid website platform can be the partake of the grace,
Then this young man began to tell many pastor in sit on that day please teach people how to PRAY A ANSWERING PRAYER,
Then he shared hoe he led expeditions through the air he would go with other satanic agents andany demon spirit. It was as if they were working a shifting in thr same way that you've got Todo at working place, he had a regular timr that he was required to go and wage war in the heavenlies he said that in the heavenlies, in the spiritual real if the land is covered by a blanket of darkness the blanket is so dense it is like solid rock and it covers the whole area. The spirit are able to go on to of and below the blanket and form there influence the event on earth.
To be continued!
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Am so greteful unto God who is by my side that help me to drop this.
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As I prophecies into your life my father in the heaven will established it.
That highest place that evil one have said you'll never reached you'll go beyond there in the name of Jesus Christ Amen.
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