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When i was wondering and imagine about the first coming of GOD in the days of Noah, it was like a dream to me, even am still wondering while GOD intruct Noah to make a Ark that GOD did not tell him to build a house or a temple of prayers for people to gather there!.
Because in my own view and my little understanding i was thinking about how the Ark is going to contain all the nation then, but GOD knows the end from the beginning He has known is a little people that will yields to the word and enter into it which is the family of Noah and goats<animals in shot>
:- But why i was so confused and wondering a lot is can a grace like the days of Noah still exist on this second coming of GOD, which He has promised and nobody knows when it we be? Because His coming with full-force of anger upon those who refused to accept him and do His will! [Rev 22:12]
:- Come to think of this, GOD have sent the message to Noah since[Gen 6:6]years before Noah could think of starting and finish it but the word [message] still come to pass, what you have to think about is that His second coming back we've been hearing it for a very long time but yet not come, and in His word[bible] He make it clear to us that until the gospel reach out to all nation,[Matt 24:14]that is when the end we come.
=>My question is that do you know when the gospel we reach?
And don't forget He said when the end comes the city we raise r agaisnt themselves, the house of king against themselves, fake prophet and many more we begins to happen but please have you ever sat down and think of this that all have been happening, will you know when the gospel we reach remember is coming like a theif
=>So while delaying yourself? Do you remember He said [JESUS CHRIST] that nobody knows the time except His father in Heaven, let me quickly ask you if there's no opportunity like the days of Noah what will you do, what will i do as author? He is coming back with 🔥FIRE🔥 which no one can withstand not to talk of quenching it.
=> What will you use to overcome the tribulation that we occur in those season am talking about?
Is to accept [JESUS CHRIST] as your Lord and personal savior.
:- Smiling, i was even too exaggerate because after the rapture we're talking about do you still remember anti-christ we also take place and begin to tourment people and cause them to turn to their ways, what will you use to overcome? And this turning is a turning to total destruction because no way of coming back to Christ except you'll sacrifice your blood for the redemption of your soul to be able to go with Christ .........
To be continue!.
Accept [JESUS CHRIST] today, tomorrow will be too late GOD bless you.
As I prophecies into your life my father in the heavens<JESUS> will established it, That higher place that evil one have said you'll never reached you'll go beyond there in the name of JESUS Christ Amen.
Call for prayer....Call Or Whatsapp....Whatsapp me directly
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