

Glory be to God for this grate opportunity again... What am bringing to you again is are you a real born again or a real qualifications without the quality @GOD See my breathren in the Lord for you saying I have been in so many places,so many levels of educations, proving your educational qualifications as your guild to heaven let me tell you this worldly word that you're not # guilded yet. The bible make us understand that seek the kingdom of #GOD first and the remain shall be added to you  Matt 6:33   but you don't want to seek for it but seek for the bonus the Lord promise to add to us Let me brief you very well with this shot video below 👇👇 check the video email: Comment in a comment section don't forget to share your love one and even your enemies, as you do this i pray in the name of Jesus whatever is remain is your life shall turn to abundance in the name of Jesus   +234(907)077-2556 message us ...

2023 Election Report.

What's your expectations in Nigeria 2023 election both president and governor election let people hear your opinion.


There is nothing on earth that you cannot have once you have mentally accepted the fact that you can have it. isaac_adeyanju.90 THE TRUTH ABOUT YOU        You are a thoroughly good person.You deserve a wonderful life, full of success, happiness, joy, and excitement.You are entitled to have happy relationships, excellent health, meaningful work, and financial independence. These are your birthright. This is what your life is meant to include.        You are engineered for success and designed to have high levels of self-esteem, self-respect, and personal pride. You are extraordinary; there has never been anyone exactly like you in all the history of mankind on earth.You have absolutely amazing untapped talents and abilities that, when properly unleashed and applied, can bring you everything you could ever want in life.        You are living at the greatest time in all of human history.You are surrounded by abundant opportunities...

I desire Mercy not Sacrifice.

  Build Up Yourself Spiritually. Email me on Please remember to follow ,  subscribe and  comment below.   Am so greteful unto God who is by my side that help me to drop this. Pls kindly follow our website and social media to subscribe and drop your comments. Divine Light Human reasoning is concerned with the things of the world, and the things of the human body. Human reasoning tries to keep the body alive, and does not believe in the things of the spirit. We must not lean on our human reasoning, because it leads us astray, and it is the enemy of our spirit. THE WORDS OF JESUS GIVE US: DIVINE LIGHT FROM THE BOOK OF MATTHEW  Matthew Chapter 4 - It is Written, 'Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every Word that proceeds from the Mouth of God.' Follow ME. Matthew Chapter 5 You are the Light of the world. Let your Li...

Happy Valentine's Day To Who Truly Know The Meaning Of Valentine's.

Build Up Yourself Spiritually. Email me@: . Please remember to follow, Subscribe and comment below. Am so greteful unto God who is by my side that help me to drop this. Pls kindly follow our website and social media to subscribe also drop your comments. .    Truth about LOVE . Love teaches us to Love, and whoever believes in Love will live forever. He who believes in Love is not condemned. The gift of Love: Is Love Eternal Life. Love will give you eternal life... and become in you... a endless supply of blessings Love restores and renews..... giving eternal life He who loves... has passed from death unto life and this Love is the Life within you.....eternal life We Seek to do Love's Will Come to Love and you will have Life Seek to understand the Truths of Love, which are Eternal......And you will learn to Love perfectly Believe in Love Love is the Food of Heaven, the Spiritual food ...

New Creatures In Christ

Build Up Yourself Spiritually. @cogpmakahomeofpeace. Please remember to follow, subscribe and comment below. Am so greteful unto God who is by my side that help me to drop this. Pls kindly follow our website and social media to subscribe and drop your comments. IG account: convenantofgodprayermission            A reading passages for Christ disciples. I am a new creature in Christ Jesus (2 Corinthians 5:17). I am delivered from the power of darkness (Colossians 1:12-13). Greater is He who is in me than he who is in the world (1 John 4:4). The Spirit of God dwells within me (1 Corinthians 3:16). I walk by faith and not by sight (2 Corinthians 5:7). No weapon formed against me shall prosper (Isaiah 54:17). Every tongue that speaks against me in judgement shall be condemned (Isaiah 54:17). My God richly supplies all my needs according to His riches in glory in Christ (Philippians 4:19). I live under God’s supern...


Build Up Yourself Spiritually. @cogpmakahomeofpeace. Please remember to follow, subscribe and comment below. Am so greteful unto God who is by my side that help me to drop this. Pls kindly follow our website and social media to subscribe and drop your comments. . 🔥And the LORD appeared unto him the same night, and said, I am the God of Abraham thy father: fear not, for I am with thee, and will bless thee, and multiply thy seed for my servant Abraham's sak🙏. Genesis 26:24 (KJV) I pray God will,we never cease in your life this year in Jesus name Amen 🙏. . IG account: convenantofgodprayermission. FB account: convenantofgodprayermission. Please try to follow us and subscribe so you can be notified if there's new post. As I prophecies into your life my father in the heavens will established it. That highest place that evil one have said you'll never reached you'll go bey...


Build Up Yourself Spiritually. @cogpmakahomeofpeace. Am so greatful unto God who is by my side that help me to drop this. Pls kindly follow our website and social media to subscribe and drop your comments. . Pls🙏click here👆to subscribe. Lord, I am weak right now.  There is so much going on in my life physically and emotionally that I feel like  I am at my breaking point! I need Your strength to make it through these times.  Father, I pray that tonight while I sleep You will refresh my mind and strength  for tomorrow morning. I pray that You will watch over me as I dream peacefully,  and bring pleasant thoughts into my mind.  I ask these things in Your precious name. Amen. I am a child of God (1 John 3:1-2). If God is for me, who can be against me? (Romans 8:31). Nothing can separate me from the love of Christ (Romans 8:35-39). The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want (Psalm 23:1). I cast all my cares...


Build Up Yourself Spiritually. @cogpmakahomeofpeace. Am so greatful unto God who is by my side that help me to drop this. Pls kindly follow our website and social media to subscribe and drop your comments.   TRUSTING IN THE LORD...   is the way to overcome Fear.   Trust in the Lord at all times, in every situation.   John 3:15   That whosoever  believeth  in him should  not perish, but have eternal life.   John 11:25   Jesus said unto her, I am the    resurrection, and the life: he    that  believeth  in me,   though he were dead, yet shall he live:     Isaiah 26:3   You will keep  him  in perfect   peace,  Whose  mind  is  stayed  on   You,  Because he  trust s in You.   Psalm 13:5   But I have  trust ed in Your mercy; My    heart shall rejoice in Your sa...


WISH YOU ALL A HAPPY NEW YEAR. Build Up Yourself Spiritually. @cogpmakahomeofpeace. Am so greatful unto God who is by my side that help me to drop this. Pls kindly follow our website and social media to subscribe and drop your comments. John 15:4 Abide in Me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in Me. John 15:5 “I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me, and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing. John 15:7 If you abide in Me, and My words abide in you, you will ask what you desire, and it shall be done for you.   John 15:9 “As the Father loved Me, I also have loved you; abide in My love. John 15:10 If you keep My commandments, you will abide in My love, just as I have kept My Father’s commandments and abide in His love. 1 John 4:12 No one has...

Jesus Is The Only Way.

Build Up Yourself Spiritually. @cogpmakahomeofpeace. Am so greatful unto God who is by my side that help me to drop this. Pls kindly follow our website and social media to subscribe and drop your comments. .   Jesus is your eternal hope He will never fail you. Jesus comforts your troubled heart... You are His child. Give your heart to the One Who died for you - Jesus. Jesus will help you forgive all those who have hurt you. Even death has no power over you if you Trust in Jesus . Rely more and more on Jesus and believe on His Love.  Jesus is your Savior, Protector and Creator. Everything in your life is vanity except the Love of Jesus Working in and through you. Trust in the Love of Jesus-because it is your Soul's eternal Joy. Jesus gives you Peace and a calm spirit protected from the troubling things of sin. The only True Reality - is the Heavenly Kingdom of Jesus' Love. Jesus is the Life of your Soul and Spirit -Give Him your H...


Build Up Yourself Spiritually. @cogpmakahomeofpeace.  Am so greatful unto God who is by my side that help me to drop this. Pls kindly follow our website and social media to subscribe and drop your comments. It is amazing: We are mentally and spiritually changed when the Words of God enter into our awareness.   The Words of God cause us: to have mental organization, a structured thought process; to have understanding; to believe; to have confidence; to have assurance; to have peace; to have joy. The Words of God: changes our demeanor, changes our outlook, changes our hope, changes our direction, changes our destiny.   The confidence and assurance we receive, as we learn more and more about the Great Love of God (Thru the Words of Jesus) - removes fear, removes worry and removes self-condemnation.   These are the reasons: that Jesus (The Word of God) came into the World.   To Speak to us the Truths of Love. To Teac...


Build Up Yourself Spiritually. @cogpmakahomeofpeace. Am so greatful unto God who is by my side that help me to drop this in this Monday morning 6th of December 2021. Pls kindly follow our website and social media to subscribe and drop your comments.  Spirits Within Us     We have Spirits within us We must love them all...and not judge or condemn them We must encourage them to Love If they're the spirit of the Lord Don't forget if it's evil spirit and you're praying for them or encourage them you yourself are looking for your downfalls,   Pray for all the spirits with you Talk to them Tell them love them Ask them to pray for all others spirits Ask them to Love Everyone and Every spirit   Pray that all spirits within you ...will love one another Pray that all spirits within you ...will pray for one another Pray that all spirits within you ...will have Peace Pray that all spirits within you ...will have Joy Pray that all spirits within you ...will be Co...

Delivered Me Oh Lord

Build Up Yourself Spiritually. akahomeofpeace. Am so greatful unto God who is by my side that help me to drop this, Pls kindly follow our website and social media to subscribe and drop your comments. IG account: convenantofgodprayermission. FB account: convenantofgodprayermission. Please try to follow us and subscribe so you can be notified if there's new post. As I prophecies into your life my father in the heavens will established it. That highest place that evil one have said you'll never reached you'll go beyond there in the name of Jesus Christ Amen. Call for prayer....+234(90)70772556 Remember to drop a comment.    Deliver Us From Evil The Lord told us in the Lord's prayer ( HOW WE SHOULD PRAY) One of things Jesus told us to say was: "Deliver us from evil" What evil things do we need to be del...

Hearing From God.

Image Build Up Yourself Spiritually. @cogpmakahomeofpeace. Hearing from God Hearing God's Voice Draw near to God and He will draw near to you. —James 4:8 Communication is the life-giving blood that sustains all relationships. Without blood, the body dies; without communication, relationships die. When we communicate, we listen with our hearts to the one who is speaking and then respond. To know and recognize a person's voice, you must spend time with that person. After 43 years of marriage, I have spent so much time with Floyd that I can usually read his body language before he opens his mouth to speak. I know Floyd's voice; I also know his ways. For example, when Floyd is going to broach a serious subject with me, he swallows three times. When he's irritated, my name is stretched over a long Texan pause...Beetthhhhh—this prepares me for what's coming next. I can identify his footsteps befor...